Hide the quantity field and set the default quantity to 1

Good morning.

I would like to use the code snippet found here: Make all listings quantity the same - #7 as my objective is the same as the original authors.

Unfortunately, it looks like in the current version of HivePress it does hide the quantity field, but does not appear to set the default quantity to 1.

Can you review the snippet and provide an updated version?

Thank you,

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We checked this snippet from our side, and it seems okay. Please note that this snippet will only work for new listings, it will not work for old ones. That is, add this snippet and try to create a new listing.

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We are having trouble with this functionality. When a user is booking more than one night, it generates a system error “Something went wrong.” Only for one night stays, the quantity one is working. What might be causing this issue?


Please note that the quantity function works only with the Marketplace extension, if you need quantity for Bookings, we recommend using the guests function, please check this doc How to add guests to bookings - HivePress Help Center

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