I want to make the categories of my listings in the sidebar along with the attribute filters as a select dropdown. is that possible through a snippet?
I want to make the categories of my listings in the sidebar along with the attribute filters as a select dropdown. is that possible through a snippet?
Please make sure that Categories is not selected in Default Fields setting in HivePress/Settings/Listings/Search. Then it should appear in the listing filter form in the sidebar
Oh you’re a life-saver!! thank you so much.
@yevhen I’m super sorry… I have just one more question regarding this… that’s true it’s showing as a filter but I have only one category showing in the filter… any idea?
If it’s the only top-level category then yes, it’ll be displayed until selected, then it’ll show its child categories. In the current version, it works like a file directory tree, showing the full path of parent items and only 1 level of the currently selected item children.
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Hello all, unfortunately I do not have the option to add a side widget (only footer one).
In my listing I have listings from 3 different categories. How can I add a filter that allows me to tick category A, B or C?
thank you all
Please check the solution in this topic.