How can I change header text size?

Hi, the header text is quite small by default and I’d like to make it bigger (and potentially change the font). Can you tell me how to do this? Thanks


If you’re familiar with CSS please try using Developer Tools to view CSS classes View and change CSS - Chrome Developers

For example, you can use this CSS snippet to change the text in the header:

.site-header {
font-size: 20px;

Please note that you may require additional customizations in the future.

Thank you. This css snippet worked. However, I noticed it didn’t increase the size of the “post a job” tab. How can I increase the size of this too?


Please try to add this CSS snippet too:

.hp-menu--site-header button {
font-size: 20px ;

Please note that you may require additional customizations in the future.

Thanks for your help. That worked

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