How delete HivePress tables from database

Hi, after deleting all hivepress plugins I can see there still tables of hivepress existing in the database. how can I delete them?


If you have already uninstalled HivePress, install it, add this code define(‘HP_UNINSTALL’, true);, and uninstall it again. But please note that this will delete all data, so we recommend making a backup before doing so.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

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Where should I insert it, in wp-config right? I did it but it hasn’t delete this tables…


Yes, in wp-config. Also, please note that you need to add this as I explained above, otherwise, it will not work.

OK, should I reinstall only the Hivepress plugin? or all the plugin that has been installed before I delete them?


You only need to perform these steps with the HivePress extension.

It doesn’t help. still i can see all database.


If you have a backup, we can do it from our side. Please send temporary WP access to with details for reproducing this issue, and we’ll check it (please send only the link, without login and password). You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin |

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