How do I add location and other fields onto requests

I want to add location etc. to requests, the same way they appear on vendor listings. How do I do this please?


There is no such feature at the moment, but we plan to add location to requests to the next update of HivePress Geolocation extension (the same as for listings) which will be the next week. As a temporary solution, you could try to use the Text attribute type for the location fields, currently, there is no specific type for locations (there is a specific Location field but it is implemented in HivePress Geolocation extension as a single field per listing).
To add additional fields to requests please try to add request attributes and mark them as Editable

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This is really encouraging to hear, yevhen and team, and moves the needle in a multi sided marketplace.

What I discovered, which wasn’t documented, is that when I enabled geolocation in requests

  • the hivepress request search widget was automatically updated to include location. We are unable to disable locations from the request search.

  • the request form now requires! location

Please update and make the location configurable to optionally include it in the request search widget, and please make it the location requirement on the request configurable optional/mandatory

Thank you

It works in the same way as for listings, if you enable Geolocation it also adds the Location search field to the listing search form. We just made all the existing options available for other entities (requests and vendors). Thanks, we’ll add more options for adjusting the location features.
Currently you can try this code snippet Remove the Location field from the listing search form #hivepress #geolocation · GitHub but with the “request” word instead of “listing”, it should remove the Location field from the request search form.

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