How remove field in add listing formm

I need to remove the two fields on the listing page that appear by default. The “Title” and the “Price.” How can I remove these two fields? I already have other fields for title and price so I need to remove these two fields that are appearing by default on every category listing.

This should put you on the right track :

Make sure you do search the forum before asking.



Hey, sorry but my main concern is removing the “Title” and the “Price” fields, not the image.

Did it occur to you that if you change images by title, you would get what you want ?

I am able to hide the “Title” and “Price” fields from the Listing form by adding the below code.

	function ( $form ) {
		unset( $form['fields']['title'] ); // Removes the "Title" field
		unset( $form['fields']['price'] ); // Removes the "Price" field

		return $form;