How to add JS script to the attribute value

I’m trying to incorporate the following code into the list, so that users can pay without redirection:

  <div id="elements"></div>
  <script src=""></script>
    (function () {
      const load = function () {
            contentId: 2364184,
            target: "elements",
            errorCover: false
      if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
      window.addEventListener('load', load);

However, it is not working on Hivepress, on any other Wordpress page that I do this procedure works, except here. Attached images

How to make?

Yes, the code is correct and has already been tested on other sites. The code was also inserted correctly in the text tab


If you are familiar with coding, you can insert this script via template hooks, please check these samples: Search · user:hivepress template · GitHub

There is no easy way to insert a value into the attribute because it does not allow unsafe HTML. Also, note that if it’s just an external key, it won’t trigger anything on the site, such as buying a listing, creating a request, etc.

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