How to add listings without the booking option | Purchase only


I would like to have a list of products where some require the booking function and others do not. The listings without booking would only display the price and a purchase button. As a test, I created a category and removed it from “Booking Categories”, but it didn’t work because this way the purchase button doesn’t appear on the page. Is it possible to achieve this? To have listings with booking and others without?

Looking forward to your response, and thank you in advance.


We recommend using this feature: How to restrict booking to specific listing categories - HivePress Help Center. Then in all other categories, there will be no bookings feature, but only purchase.

​I hope this is helpful to you.


Thank you for the response. I followed exactly this path, but as I explained in the previous message, when I only put some categories here (Navigate to HivePress > Settings > Bookings > Booking Categories and select the categories in which listings will be available for booking), the categories that are not listed are without a purchase button, like this:

I would like the categories that do not have the booking functionality yet to still be available for purchase.

Could you help me with that?


Please check if this field is empty in Selling > Categories, you can view this doc: How to restrict selling to specific listing categories - HivePress Help Center