How to change a background color to button "upload image" in submit listing

Hi Team,
How do you change the color via CSS on the button for uploading images on the add listing page?

I tried but without result


Try this code-snippet

add_action( 'wp_head', function () { ?>

	.hp-field--button { background-color: red; }

<?php } );
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Hi Seegon
Wow!!! Work perfectly

Tnx again

why is this better than simply add :

.hp-field–button { background-color: red; }

to the child theme style.css ? serius question

I don’t know why, but for me work very well


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Yes, you can simply keep CSS snippets in Appearance/Customize, a PHP wrapper (suggested above) is required only if you keep this snippet as a PHP one (e.g. in the Code Snippets plugin).

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