How to change 'listing' and 'vendor' url

Hi, is it possible to change the word ‘listing’ and ‘vendor’ to something else?
So, instead of looks like, for exmaple.

Thank you

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Please check this doc How to customize URL structure - HivePress Help Center

​I hope this is helpful to you.

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Hi Andrii,

The word ‘listing’ and ‘vendor’ does not work for my usage. I want to keep the category in the url as it is, but need to change the specific name of it.
Can I make ‘shop’ of listing and ‘seller’ of ‘vendor’ or something like that?

Thank you!


Can you please advise on this? This theme fits so perfectly with my needs but the only thing is I need to change the words ‘listing’ and ‘vendors’. Is there anyway I could do it?

Thank you


It is possible. As previously mentioned, you need to refer to the documentation for instructions.

My bad. I didn’t scoll down enough. Thank you so much :pray:! It’s a great theme.

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