How to change number of listing text

Hi I have 2 issues

  1. I would like to change the number of listing text displaying to another text like “verified” instead of saying “# listings” see picture below
    Screenshot 2022-12-27 184151

2.In addition to that I’m also trying to change color for url artibute from blue but ive had no luck when it inspec it on chrome this is what it comes up as" visit heres a screen shot of how it looks at the moment
Screenshot 2022-12-27 184603

I want to change the color to something else



  1. You can translate this text with Loco Translate, you can find this text in Loco Translate by writing in the search %s Listing (changes should be made for both singular and plural).

  2. You can change the URL color with CSS snippets (How to add custom code snippets - HivePress Help Center), or add some style to format in HivePress > Listings > Attributes > Format, for example:

<a href="url" style="color:black;">%value%visit</a>

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