How to change the request category order

Good day

We have 2 requests and are wondering how to go about them.

The first one is we want to Order the Job Categories so that they appear on the Form in the order we set , For example we have a category called “Other” that we want to show up last on the dropdown in the form. However we do not see an option to set the order number like we have for Listing categories, how can we implement this?

The second request is that when a customer is registering on the website, can we have an option for them to view their password as they are typing it (to make sure it is correct?) and if possible a second Password field for the user to verify the password. How do we go about this? Thank you.


  1. You can change category order in Listings > Categories > edit Category > and at the bottom you can specify the order.

  2. Unfortunately, there is no such function, it will require a custom implementation.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Hello Andrii

Thank you for the reply, for the Category order I need to do it for the Job category, not the listing category as you have given instructions for the listing category.

Noted on the password issue, are you able to provide the custom implementation at a cost?


Please provide more details. Do you have jobs implemented as a custom select attribute?

Unfortunately, we are currently not accepting new customization requests, so we cannot help with this implementation.

Hi Andrii

My apologies I forgot we had translated the extension to say Jobs, I am referring to the Requests extension.

We have simply installed the extension and use it as it, but the requests Categories do not have the ability to be ordered, they are all listed alphabetically.


I see. Unfortunately, there’s no such feature, it would require a custom implementation. But thanks for your suggestion, we’ll consider adding this feature.

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