Hello, I’m setting up HivePress for the first time. I’ve set up the categories, listings, and attributes. The attributes now listed on the side of the listing page. Great! Can I assign the attributes to the listings? Is the sidebar attributes list select-able?
Thank you!
If you are referring to the sidebar on the Listings page, then this is the search filters form, where attributes appear if you set them in the Search setting of the attribute and mark it as filterable.
Also, if you mean to set the value of an attribute for a listing, you just need to edit the listing from the backend or frontend, and if the frontend does not have this attribute, it is not marked as Editable, you can check this doc for more details: How to add listing attributes - HivePress Help Center
I hope this is helpful to you.
Thanks for this, it is helpful! I think I’m not always clear on what each term means exactly. I’ve played around and I’m figuring it out.
Currently, a date appears when a listing is added. Can that be omitted? The directory I’m building is for a searchable and filterable list of resources [A woman, or youth, or newcomer] looking for help with [housing, employment, healthcare] so the date I add a listing is irrelevant, if not somewhat distracting.
Thank you for your time!
Please use this CSS snippet: Hide the listing publication date #hivepress #listings · GitHub
I hope this is helpful to you.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Remove ‘Date’ as a sort by option