You can customize forms using PHP snippets, please check these samples Search · user:hivepress form · GitHub and hook references Home | HivePress Hook Reference
When it comes to multisteps, we recommend doing it through JavaScript by creating steps inside the page, so you don’t need PHP.
You say that I can do it inside the page with JS, at this time I don’t know where the “publish listing” page is located to customize it.
I know but I’m maybe wrong, that this page is displaying a HP block. In my case the publish listing page is a template where I added the (listing form) block. How to find the place where each fields of the block are located to then apply them JS Code and transform them to a ms form ?
The only things is that at the first step, when I click on an item in the drop-down list, the whole form is displayed as it was initially (each step one below the other, vertically with every fields visible) instead of being able to click on the next button and display the next step.
Can you see where this problem might be coming from?
Please note that the Ajax form automatically updates after selecting a category to show category-specific attributes. You can try to block this behavior via JS. But please note that we cannot debug custom code, we only provide general recommendations Support Policy | HivePress