How to differentiate packages and restrict features


Is there a way to differentiate which package a user(vendor) is on and restrict features based on this?

Currently we have a use case for our subscription model where we want to restrict certain features based on which package a user chooses. For example, if they choose the free package, then they can only upload 1 image in the listing. Whereas if they purchase one of the paid packages, then user can upload more than 1 image.

I’ve seen that with the Membership extension you can restrict certain features but this extension doesn’t quite fit our use case. Similar to how this post is retrieving the membership plan, is there a way to retrieve which listing package a user is on instead? Hide "Add a listing" Button only to specific Plan - #2 by yevhen



Unfortunately, this feature is not available now, but it is already on the roadmap and we plan to add it in future updates. If you need this feature urgently and you have a developer, you can add it yourself with a custom implementation.

Hi Andrii,

Thanks for the reply.

Are you able to please provide us with a snippet of the php code that is able to retrieve and differentiate the packages? I can’t seem to find any examples of this anywhere else.



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