I have two blocks, one at the top with featured listings and one below with the average listings.
IF I have at the top the Featured listings, why should I want to display also the featured listings on the second block?
So my question is, how to DISPLAY everything but the FEATURED LISTINGS IN THE SECOND BLOCK?
Please clarify where exactly you added these blocks. Because on all listing pages, featured is at the top and all other listings are at the bottom (including all listings and featured that did not get into the first slots). Also, if you, for example, added these blocks to the Home Page, there is no such option as “all except featured”; in the block settings, there is only the “featured only” option.
Thank you for your Answer, you are saying that the behavior of the Listings Block is to always display first the Featured Listings, and then the Normal Ones? . If so it is not happening in my Listing Hive webpage. The block Im referring to is the Homepage Listings. You can Visit my website : https://www.komersioo.com, and if you see, the Featured Listing appears in the fifth position, and not in the first position. Because of that im using 2 Blocks, One for Featured and then I want to use a second Block, for non Featured Listings.
Unfortunately, there is no feature like the one you describe. But, as a workaround, you can use one block with featured only and another block without featured only and set a random order in the two blocks. Then, the chance that these listings will cross is almost zero, and the first block will always contain featured listings.
The answer you are proposing isnt in that link, you said “List the non featured listings” and you gave that link but there is no solution regarding that, please give me a real solution, because you proposed it.
Thank you for your support
Please note that you will need to use this documentation to edit the Home Page and add two Listings blocks to it, as we described above. If you are not very familiar with WordPress and need help setting up your site, we recommend that you consider hiring experts: Customize your website | HivePress
If you have reviewed my website you could see that is pretty well customized, you are not giving the solution you proposed watching those videos in the sense of “a block which only displays the non featured listings” that is all. I know php, I know css, but as you say, I think if I would like to do what I need and want I will have to edit the code. Because the solution you propose isnt available, so if you can double check my website https://www.komersioo.com + double check the solution and the links you gave I will be so thankfull to you.
There seems to be confusion; I’ll try to explain the solution suggested by Andrii.
If you mean the listings page (all the pages with listings and pagination, e.g. search, category pages), these pages always display featured listings at the top in random order and within the available slots which you can define in HivePress/Settings/Listings/Display. After the featured listings, there are regular listings (which also may include featured listings if not fit within the top slots, but in their regular order depending on the selected sorting, default is “by date”). Customizing this behavior would require code customizations.
If you mean a regular page (e.g. Home), available in WordPress/Pages, then there’s a workaround - you can insert the Listings block in the editor of this page, and check “Featured” in the block settings - this block will show featured listings only. After this block you can add another block, and select random sorting order in the block settings. This way you’ll have a section with a few featured listings on a page, and below there will be a few (most likely, but not guaranteed) non-featured listings (since the random order is selected). Unfortunately there’s no option like “show non-featured only” in the block settings yet.