How to find thank you page in theme

May I know how to find the thank you page (final page at checkout) since I need to enter more specific text when a user purchases a featured listing, or where can I find the translation in “loco translate”, thanks


By default, this page has url your-website/checkout/order-received/

It is possible to check/change page endpoint in WooCommerce/Settings/Advanced/Checkout endpoints/Order received

Please try to find the strings in Loco Translate > Plugins > WooCommerce.

In Loco Translate > Plugins > WooCommerce, there is not that string. The message at the end of the payment process. Something like that. Thanks! Your listing “x” is now featured and will be at the top of the listings page.


I see. If I understand you correctly, please check this article: How to Customize a WooCommerce Thank You Page

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