How to hide vendor rating

I have a few questions about customizing the Meeting Hive theme:

  1. How can I change the text of the “List a Service” button located at the top right of the page? I don’t see that in Loco Translate.
  2. What steps should I follow to disable the rating values to display on the blocks and pages for the listings? I would like to have reviews enabled but not ratings.
  3. How can I display an attribute value on top of the blocks and pages, next to the category value and rating value?
  4. How can I set the order of the attribute values that show on the blocks and pages? Specifically, this is for any attribute listed next to another attribute in the same section (primary, secondary, or tertiary) of a block or page. For instance, I want to ensure that the start date is displayed before the end date and that the address shows as the last item since it will break into the next line.


  1. Please check these docs: How to translate MeetingHive - HivePress Help Center, How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center

  2. Please send a screenshot of what you want to hide and we will try to help.

  3. You can change the order of the attribute or its area in the attribute settings, please check these docs: How to add listing attributes - HivePress Help Center, How to add vendor profile fields - HivePress Help Center

  4. If it is a custom attribute, then in the settings of each attribute, if it is a built-in attribute, then it will require a custom implementation: Search · user:hivepress order · GitHub

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Thank you for the information.

Regarding item 3, none of the existing areas (primary, secondary, and tertiary) would place the attribute value next to the category and rating on top of the block. See screenshot attached. Do you have any suggestions for how to display an attribute there?


Unfortunately, there is no simple solution for this, it will require a custom implementation. If you have a developer or are familiar with coding, we can provide general guidance.

Hello @andrii is there a way to hide the stars and rating number from expert profile page and expert search page? also remove it as search order filter? I would like to keep the testimonials on expert page, just dont have the rating number on expert box space

Thank you

Yes, please provide general guidance for custom implementation. Thanks!


Please use this CSS snippet:

.hp-vendor__rating {display:none!important}

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Please review this documentation: How to override template parts - HivePress Help Center. You need to add a custom block to the template area and display the attribute value there.

Thank you @andrii it worked! is it possible to remove rating from the sorting option on search experts page? Default Sorting keep only date


Sure, please check the snippet in this topic: Remove ‘Date’ as a sort by option - #11 by rastyslaf

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