How to implement sliders/carousel in ListingHive

Hi there,

I am using the ListingHive and I would like to implement a slider or carousel feature similar to the one in RentalHive, which I’ve seen used for listing properties and displaying “What People Say”. Unfortunately Rentalhive doesn’t work for my needs.

I would like to use it for listing specific subcategories and attributes. I understand this feature is not supported in ListingHive, and I’m not asking for it to be. However, I’d like to know how you implemented it in RentalHive. Did you use a specific plugin? If so, which one or do you have any recommendations ?

I’ve tried a couple of plugins, but they slowed down my site, so I’m looking for a solution that works well with hivepress/ListingHive. If you didn’t use a plugin, do you have any guidance on implementing this myself?

Any suggestion is welcome.

Thank you very much!


Unfortunately, there is no such feature, so coding will be required to add it. You can customize the categories block using this hook: hivepress/v1/blocks/listing_categories, and there you can add the html attribute data-component=slider to the categories, but then you need to do some detailed testing to see if this slider will work for the categories. Also, please note that if this is for ListingHive, then there is no default slider, so you will need to add more JS code.

Alternatively, you can try to find and test third-party plugins that already add the slider automatically and use the hook on the categories block to add the html attribute.

​I hope this is helpful to you.
