How to install RentalHive

Hi everyone,

Can you help me out guys, please?

I am very new to website building and I’ve been stuck.
I bought the RentalHive yesterday, but I am unable to install it on WordPress.

Where and how should it be installed? I mean should I install it on or

I am a bit confused.

Many thanks in advance

Please make sure that you’re familiar with WordPress, at least basic WordPress skills are required for setting up RentalHive, adding the website content, etc.
First, you can choose a domain name and hosting provider for your site 12 Best WordPress Hosting Compared (July 2022 Edition) Most of the hosting providers also offer the domain name registration, and 1-click WordPress installation.
Once the WordPress is installed please follow the screencasts about RentalHive to get the same layouts as on the demo site RentalHive - HivePress Help Center
You can also check our course on Udemy It’s about ListingHive theme so it has no instructions for setting up bookings, but the basic functionality is common with RentalHive (e.g. adding categories, listings, attributes).
Hope this helps.

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