How to modify OpenGraph description meta tag in a listing

I have YoastSEO plugin installed which adds a number of OG meta tags to each listing page such as:

<meta property="og:description" content="Category: Example Category; Vendor: Example Vendor." class="yoast-seo-meta-tag" />

These are very useful when sharing links on social media, however I would like to make these two changes in the “og:description” meta property:

  1. Change “Category” to “Sector”
  2. Change “Vendor” to “Organisation”

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Unfortunately, we can’t help you with this, as Yoast takes the description from the post_excerpt field of the post (listing), so you probably need to look at the Yoast settings in more detail to specify a different source or use hooks to filter it and replace it using code snippets.

Would it help if I purchase the HivePress SEO extension? Can you point me to some documentation about what the SEO extension does? Thank you.


Yes, you can set the OG description if you use the HivePress SEO extension, but note that it will also be displayed for the meta description in Google. If it works for you, you can purchase it. Also, our SEO extension is mainly for schema SEO - HivePress Help Center, so we recommend using a combination of our extension with a third-party plugin.

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