Is it possible to have a preview of a pdf file while visiting a listing with a pdf inside?
If you add the attachment attribute to your listing How to add listing attributes - HivePress Help Center and then add a pdf file to it, you should see a link to that file where you can view it as soon as you go to the listing.
I hope this is helpful to you.
We still have a problem because we would like to show not all the pdf file but just some pages of it. How is it possible to do that?
Unfortunately, there is no simple solution for this, you will most likely need a custom implementation to configure it this way.
I have two other questions:
-Where I can find the code that generate the pdf previw?
-We would like that the button “buy now” appear after two user message each other. How is it possible to do that?
Unfortunately, I can’t tell you where exactly because there is no simple code for this, it requires a detailed review and additional testing.
This also requires a custom implementation. If customizations are required for your site, please try customizing it using the collection of code snippets Search · user:hivepress · GitHub and other developer resources, or consider hiring someone for custom work
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