How to remove booking section

Instead of being able to reserve a service directly, users are forced to reserve a number of days before being able to make payment.

I tried the manipulation described below but it does not work:

I am not a developer. I bought the theme so I don’t have to deal with this kind of problem…

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Please provide more details about the issue you need to solve. If you want to book on a specific day, I recommend enabling the Daily Bookings feature in HivePress > Settings > Bookings. But, if you need to remove the bookings window field, then use this PHP snippet Hide the booking offset and window fields in the listing form #hivepress #bookings · GitHub, you can add it using this doc How to add custom code snippets - HivePress Help Center

Hi Andrii,

I finally managed to remove the booking button by following the following procedure:


The “Book now” button is displayed when the Bookings extension is enabled.
There are three options:

  • Disable the Bookings extension, but its other functions will also be unavailable.
  • Change “Book now” to “Buy now” via Loco Translate: How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center
  • Limit bookings to bookings categories, then the category that is not listed in the bookings categories won’t display “Book now”. To do that, please navigate to HivePress > Settings > Bookings > Booking Categories and select the categories in which you want the listing to be available for booking.

Thank you for your help,

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