How to search by location and regions

Hello, I can’t display the search by region in the search bar on the home page. I created a region attribute in ads by assigning region to all categories in add option and the selection is displayed well when I select a category from the home page, next to keyword and category but not on the home page. Thank you for your help.


In order for the location search to work correctly, you need to use the Geolocation extension. Please check these docs:

​I hope this is helpful to you.

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260 / 5 000

Thanks for your reply but the search by region still does not appear on the search bar on the home page. I created a new attribute in ads ‘telephone’ and strangely it appeared even though I do not need it there.


Search by region and should not appear in the search bar. If you have configured the region function correctly, then when you specify a location, you will be searched by region automatically.

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Hello, thank you for your answers. On the home page. The keyword search only offers “keywords” and “All categories” and once I have selected a category, the new page offers the search by “region” in addition to “keywords” and “all categories”. I will be satisfied with that. No problem

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