How to setup tokens in emails

%listing_title% not working in emails > message received (event)! I’ve followed instruction but I’m unable to display %listing_title% in email or subject line. Something is broken :frowning:


If there’s an object token (without underscores) like %user% or %listing%, you can display any field this way: %listing.title%.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

it doesn’t work :frowning:
%listing.title% or %listing_title% both don’t work in emails


Please provide a screenshot of the email you are customizing and we will try to help.

Here it is. All I’m trying to do is insert %listing_title% in the subject line so I know what listing reply belongs to.

like this

Just so users can see in email subject “New Application - Listing 1”


Please note that these tokens will only work in the email itself, they will not work in the subject line.

:frowning: i see, i’ll try to custom code this

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Hi Team,

The following tags in booking email setup are not working %user%, %listing%, %booking%.

Can you please review.


Please check the solution in this topic and this doc: How to customize emails - HivePress Help Center

​I hope this is helpful to you.