How to show phone number by clicking?

How to show a phone number in an ad only when clicked, similar to olx? to protect numbers from parsing


Please check this topic: Make phone number callable.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Thanks, i will try

but this is a little different from what I wanted, I need the phone to appear when I click on the “show number” button, but not open a link to the application

Hello @Vitalii,

My solution doesn’t exactly answer your question, but it does allow you to hide the phone number.

The number will appear directly in the user’s phone application.

Copy and paste this HTML code into the attribute for which you want to hide the phone number.

<a class="button button--primary hp-button hp-button--wide" href="tel:%value%" rel="nofollow">%label% %icon%</a>

yes, unfortunately this is not what i need, but the view is pretty good, will need to add a little html and maybe js so that the number is shown when clicked

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