How to test the Memberships extension

My client has a Membership free and is checked on configurations of free plan “allow sending messages” but when the client click on vendor page to send a message is told him “An active membership is required…”.
Any suggestions please.

It is solved, i deleted the plan and add it again, and now can send a message.
Do you know what happened?
I need to test the Memberships, do you know how can i add to a user without paying it?


Unfortunately, I can’t tell you precisely the issue, but I’m glad it’s been resolved.

Unfortunately, testing the Memberships extension is impossible. Still, you can purchase it and get your money back ​(we have a 30-day money-back guarantee policy, so you can request a refund within 30 days if the theme is not suitable for you Refund Policy | HivePress).

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