If hosts add a second listing, then the packages dont show

The paid listing only shows up once after creating a listing. If hosts add a second listing, then the packages dont show, it goes straight to listing confirmation. How to solve this?

(listing limit is set to 100)


This is how it should work by default. If you have a package limit of 100 listings, then the Select Package page will only be displayed when you use that limit to purchase a package again.

Ok so even with the limit set to 1, it still dosent display the listing packages and goes straight to listing confirmation.

Hi! Yes, because you claimed a limit 100 package before. Even you changed that to 1, in the database you will find the user have a 100 (now 99 or less) limit package. If you want to remove it, you need to enter your PhpMyAdmin (if you use that) select your database, on the top menu, click on “Search” type your listing package name, and hit enter. The search results will be displayed, go to wp_comments. In the comment_content column, you will see the package name, and in the comment_karma column, is the avaiable listing limits. You can modify that number with editing, or just delete the whole line. After you modified, scroll down, and hit “Start”. You are ready.
Before you make changes in your database, always create a backup!

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Hi thank you for your response.

I dont have PHPMYADMIN .

Any other alternative ?

What is your hosting provider? You need to handle your database somehow. I don’t think there is other way to delete unnecessary listing packages or set it’s value.

I can delete the packages through the listings bar but even when creating a new one, i face the same problem .

Ive even tried creating a new customer account yet it only allows for one package to be selected before going straight to the confirmation page when creating a new listing.

Can advise how to solve this? When a host lists a new listing, it goes straight to the listing confirmation. I need it to go to the packages list.


Unfortunately, I don’t quite understand what exactly the issue is. If you have the possibility, please send me a screen recording of your actions so that we can check it in more detail from our side.

I have setup two paid listing packages (Free feature, and paid premium feature).

When a vendor submits a new listing, the package options (free and premimum) only show for the first submitted listing. When submitting a second listing, the packages promot (free or premium) selection do not show.

I have set the FREE package to 100 limit, and PREMIUM package to 1.


As I wrote in previous messages, you need to first use the limit of 100 listings, then you will be able to choose another package.

That dosent make sense because if the vendor wishes to add a second listing but select the premium package, then how do they achieve that? Because no package options show when trying to list more than one listing.

The need is to allow vendors to choose between FREE and PREMIUM package evertyime they submitt a new listing .


Then the easiest option is to create two packages and set a limit of one listing for each of them, then the choice of package will be displayed every time the listing is published.

but that way if a host wants to list a second listing, the free package will have exceeded the limit. I dont want that

If you need to be able to select a free package multiple times, you can enable the Free Packages feature in HivePress > Settings > Listings.

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