Import extension only uploads Title, image and description IGNORING the rest of the fields

Import extension does not work, it only uploads Title, image and description IGNORING the rest of the fields, as you can see in the excell csv sheet i have these attributes:

also the upload extension detects them and matches them with the correspoinding fields as you can see in the image:

but the problem is after i finished uploading it only Adds The title, image and description igoring the rest of the fields, you can see it in the images below, one of the products it uploaded:

All the fields are empty besides the Title, image and description.

The other problem is that even if i have 2000 rows it only uploads around 200 of them and ignores the rest, check out the picture below:

please give me a fast response and a slution because i was aout to buy the rest of the extensions but if this one is not working correctly probably the others dow work too.

I had many screensots but it says new users can only upload 1 screenshot and 2 links so if you need more ask me this is the csv file if you want to test it on your sideL products - Google Sheets


Please send temporary WP access to with details for reproducing this issue, and we’ll check it (please send only the link, without login and password). You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin |

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