Inserting reviews using shortcode

I reported this a while back and the response was this:

Dec '22
Thanks for reporting this, the bug is confirmed, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. As a temporary solution, please try to use Gutenberg blocks to paste listing reviews on the page.

I’m inserting the reviews block in a custom template and have to do it by adding it through gutenberg and inserting the_content() ; within my template. I tryed to use the shortcode to see if you fixed it yet, but it still is broken: echo do_shortcode(’[hivepress_reviews]’)

Shouldn’t be too hard to make the shortcode work, but I guess its more that you have forgotten than that you cannot fix it, so here is a reminder.

On the other hand, isnt there a better solution to get and insert the latest reviews other than using a shortcode for it?

Sorry, there may have been a misunderstanding, if you mean rendering template-specific blocks (similar to ones in HivePress/Templates), this feature is available for Gutenberg only. If you just use a shortcode [hivepress_reviews] on a page in WordPress/Pages it should be ok if there’s at least 1 approved review, let me know if it doesn’t work this way.

No, back in desember yevhen confirmed that the short code for the reviews doesn’t work and said to fix it.

Please try to use this shortcode [hivepress_reviews number="2"]

It should show the two latest approved reviews

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