Is it possible to add the expire date to the listing page
Sure, please check this doc How to add a listing expiration date - HivePress Help Center
I hope this is helpful to you.
Im not sure you understand, i do have setup expiration on listings, but i want it to be visible on the listing page when it will expire so customers and the vendor knows when it will expire
Please check the solution in this topic Add job expiration date to the listing page - #6 by yevhen
I believe this will be useful to you.
How to sort and show this expiration date at the end of page. When I’ve enable this snippet it’s showing top of page.
Please note that we have provided a sample PHP snippet, if you need to modify it by adding an order, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with other sample PHP snippets Search · user:hivepress order · GitHub
Thank you, i have also added this snippet to my site
But i would like to limit it so the vendor can maximum pick x amount of days into the future
Sorry, there’s no simple code snippet for this, it would require a custom implementation. If customizations beyond the available features are required for your site, please consider hiring someone for custom work Fiverr - Freelance Services Marketplace
How do i use the date range field it is not listed field type on the attribute edit page
Unfortunately, this type is not available for the edit context. But, if you need it just for display, we recommend using two date fields and in one you can specify the display format with the reference of the other using the %listing.attribute_name_here% token
I hope this is helpful to you.
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