Is it possible to restrict non-membership users and vendors from posting listing on website using a membership plugin?

  1. Is it possible to restrict non-membership users and vendors from posting listing on website using a membership plugin?

  2. Can I provide listing credits or premium features as part of a membership package? For example, when users purchase a membership, can I grant them free credits or activate premium listing options?

  3. How can redirect to membership page when the ‘add listing’ button clicked by non-members, and show them a message prompting them to activate a membership instead?


For this purpose, I recommend using the Paid Listings extension, as the Memberships extension has a completely different functionality. Unfortunately, we don’t have such a thing as credits, but users can post ads if they have a package for this purpose. As for redirection, unfortunately, there’s no such feature, it would require a custom implementation.

I’m using a paid listing plugin, but I want to prevent regular users from buying packages and posting ads. I only want vendors to buy packages and create ads.

I understand that vendor profiles are created when we accept user posts, but I want to restrict users from posting and buying packages before that.
Is this possible?

By using a membership plugin, can we restrict access to the listing form page (


Please check this topic Restrict Add Listing button to vendors only - #2 by ihor

​I hope this is helpful to you.

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