Is there a complete list of email filters somewhere?

I am looking at the filter here:
apply_filters( 'hivepress/v1/emails/{email_name}', $props, $email )

And it says available emails are in the includes/emails directory of HivePress. I am looking in the directory here, and don’t see everything.

For instance, where is hivepress/v1/emails/message_send? Or what about all the ones for the extensions, such as the booking extension? I’m assuming the dropdown values in the emails section show some of them as well?

Do you have a full list somewhere including all your extensions? Thanks in advance.


There is no general reference, but for example, you can look at this link: hivepress-messages/includes/emails at master · hivepress/hivepress-messages · GitHub; since this is the functionality of the Messages extension, email is located in messages/includes/emails.

I hope this information proves useful to you.

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