Issue with custom template

Hello esteemed HivePress team,

I purchased the RentalHive template, but I’m encountering issues with customization as the default listing page display doesn’t quite suit my needs. I decided to use the built-in HivePress → Template feature and created a custom listing template. However, when adding blocks, some of them are not displaying correctly.

The first issue is with the ‘Attributes (Main)’ block, and the second one is related to the font size in similar listings, where the font appears to be too large.

Your assistance in resolving these matters would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Dmytro Timakov


Unfortunately, the function of overwriting a template is still in beta, so some templates may differ from the default ones. As a workaround, if you are familiar with CSS customizations, the best option is to customize the default template.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

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