Know your client verification process via API

Hi Support,

We are implementing external KYC process to the system (user verification). May we know some documentation on how we can be able to do the following:

  1. get the email address of users from rentalhive
  2. change the status of users to verified from external server.

our process would be like.

  1. fetch email address (all profile details) from rentalhive (guide needed from hivepress team).
  2. send email to users with link to perform 3rd party verification. (external server different from rentalhive)
  3. change the status of guest to verified when passed in the verification process. (guide need from hivepress team)

thank in advance for assistance.


If you are familiar with coding or have a developer, we can provide general guidance; let us know if this will work for you.

Yes. I have a developer.


As for emails, we use the WordPress API without any modifications, I recommend checking out this documentation if you need more details: get_userdata() – Function |
The verified status of the user is stored in the hp_verified meta field, and the vendor’s status is stored in the post meta field (because the vendor is a custom post type). You can try to change this externally using the WP REST API: REST API Handbook |

I believe this will be useful to you.

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