Landing logo to page header image

If I add a heading, the landing page header image shows appropriate height. However, if I add an image in that section like a logo, then the height of the header image increases way too much and its takes up too much space on the page. How can I add a logo image without the header image height increasing. See below example.
I tried to upload two examples but I was told as a new user I can upload only one. Hence, I cannot show the sample with just a heading element in it showing the correct height.
Thanks for your help.

Here is the sample with heading element in it with correct height.


If you mean to add a header image as a darkened background, please note that the height of the image does not change anything, the image is pulled by the browser itself to cover the area that the content occupies in the header, and it also still depends on the width of the screen.

Thanks Andrii for responding. No, that’s not what my issue is. What I am saying that if I add a heading element in the top section of the homepage then the width of the feature image (plain purple background 1600 by 800 pixels) renders smaller (which I like) than when I add an image element to the homepage. After I add an image, the width of the feature image just expands even when the image size is smaller (512 by 512 pixels) than the featured image. I don’t want the featured image width size to get bigger. Here are a couple more screenshots. Hopefully that explains the issue better

Here is the screenshot with heading element


Sorry for the issue, but unfortunately it’s not very clean for us, please show us a screenshot from the page itself, because everything seems to be displayed correctly in the editor.

Here are the screenshot of the homepage with and without an image

without image:

With image added and now you cannot see “Meet your host” because the height of the featured image just expanded and pushed “Meet your host” down

Here is a screenshot of the homepage with heading element “You will find everything here” removed but still same effect


If you need to set this image as a background, use this document: How to add a header image to pages - HivePress Help Center. But if you simply add an image through the editor, not as a featured image, then it will be displayed as in your screenshot. Also, if you are referring to the style of the image itself, namely the frame, it looks like this frame is from the picture itself.

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