Link to register vendor page

I have followed the information in this thread, allow vendor direct registration, refresh permalinks, I have added the URL to my header , footer and other areas. still just takes me to my homepage. I just need to have a url to a page where vendors can sign up as a vendor without listing first. I have added custom attributes that are required in the vendor attribute section.

if i type my website in the searchbox with /register-vendor afterwards, it also just takes me to my homepage.

What is the format or way to access the vendor registration page… This is the 3rd failure of features I have had since installing taskhive and It has constantly let me down so far.

There are two requirements:

  • Enabling direct registration in settings
  • Refreshing permalinks (select any structure with %postname%) if the /register-vendor URL doesn’t work

Please also try checking this as a new user; if you check this URL as an admin with a vendor profile, this page will probably be redirected. You can also add Required attributes in Vendor/Attributes so the vendor-specific registration form will appear for sure.

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