Listing Description snippet on category page

anyway to take a snippet of the listing description and place it on the category listings block, maybe with ellipses. this would greatly help with SEO.



If I understand you correctly, please check the solution in this topic Add description to listings block

ā€‹I hope this is helpful to you.

thank you for the code, exactly what i needed and much appreciated. i modified slightly to control output amount by adding
$excerpt = wp_trim_words($description, 20); // Adjust the number of words as needed

    function ($blocks, $template) {
        $listing = $template->get_context('listing');

        if ($listing && $listing->get_description()) {
            $description = $listing->get_description();
            $excerpt = wp_trim_words($description, 25); // Adjust the number of words as needed

            $blocks = hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(
                ['blocks' => $blocks],
                    'blocks' => [
                        'listing_details_primary' => [
                            'blocks' => [
                                'custom_listing_block_description' => [
                                    'type'    => 'content',
                                    'content' => '<p>' . esc_html($excerpt) . '</p>',
                                    '_order'  => 20,

        return $blocks;
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