Listing expiration date is not reset after re-approval

Maybe I’m not entirely clear about the listing renewal procedure.

I have an HivePress (v1.7.9) / ListingHive (v1.2.10) installation with a minimal custom child theme (). It looks like a listing’s expiration date is not correctly reset on renewals.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Admin sets an “Expiration period” in HavePress listing settings.
  2. (Wait the necessary time: listings are correctly masked once expired.)
  3. User requests a renewal.
  4. Admin (quick/full) edits the to-be-renewed listing resetting the status to “published” – notice that the “Expiration Date” stays the same.

Actual result

Renewed listings are temporarily republished until the expiration cron job kicks in and retires them again because the expiry date has not changed.

Expected result

Renewed listings get automatically a new expiry date (today + expiration period). This should happen

  • either upon the user’s initial renewal requests
  • or upon admin’s subsequent review operation (quick/full edit)

The expiration date should be visible to admins also in quick edit mode.

Extra details

Child theme’s functions.php.


Please make sure you set up expiration feature as shown in this document: How to add a listing expiration date - HivePress Help Center

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Thanks @andrii, but, as said in my original post, I already set a system-wide expiration period.

As for setting a different expiration date, either on the first approval or any subsequent renewal for each listing, that’s definitely impractical!

IMO, the expiration date for a renewed listing should be automatically updated. Is this a bug? Otherwise, please consider this report as an RFE.


Unfortunately, there is no such feature as automatic listing renewal, which would require a custom implementation. The expiration date is changed only after manual renewal (and is set to the renewal date plus expiration period in days).

I see, thanks for the clarification.

Could you please, then, move my original post to the RFE category? Else, I’ll open a new request.




Please clarify which category you are referring to.

Feature Requests - HivePress Community, I guess


I see. We have added this issue to the bug tracker and will try to fix it as soon as possible. As a workaround, please try to approve the listing using the Quick Edit option.

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