Listings are not displayed on the vendor page

Hi, I m using Task hive, developing for working for my client.

our platform works like only posting jobs, get offer by vendors and hire, no listins feature required. but when vendor registers, it shows" listing by (Name of vendor)" Not Found"
which is weired, this page is not required, what should i do to fix this?


This is the expected page display if there is no content on the page. To avoid displaying the “Nothing found” text, you need to add listings for this vendor.

actually, my platform is only based on requests, and vendors will send offers to requests and get hired, posting listing is disabled, once its disabled this page should not show, only profile of vendors is required to show, can you provide any code snippet to resolve this?


Sorry, there’s no simple code snippet for this, it would require a custom implementation. If customizations beyond the available features are required for your site, please consider hiring someone for custom work

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