Listings can be claimed twice

Describe the issue in as much detail as possible. Please remove the sections below if the issue is obvious enough and doesn’t require extra details.
Some one claims a listing goes through the process and makes it theirs. Even after that some one else can come along and claim that same listing even though its already been claimed.

Steps to reproduce

List the steps to reproduce the issue.
claim a listing. Get on a different computer and claim that same listing again.

Actual result

Describe the actual result.
The listing can be claimed over and over again by anyone.

Expected result

Only one person should be able to claim a listing.

Extra details


If you use paid option for Claim Listings please make sure that the created order gets the Processing or Completed status. This should mark the listing as Verified automatically, and with this status claims can’t be sent anymore, the Claim Listing link also disappears for this listing.

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