Listings in sub-categories not displaying then more than one listing in that category


I have a category structure with two levels of sub-categories below each main category, like:


  • sub-category (level 1)
    – sub-sub-category (level 2)

When displaying listings in level 1, I expect that all listings with level 1 and level 2 being displayed. But what happens is that only listings from level 2 are being displayed where there is only one listing in that sub-category and not being displayed from level-2-category when more than one listings are in that level-2-category. Pretty weird …

So only those listings from level 2 are showing up, where there is just one single listing in that level-2-category. As soon as there are two or more listings in that level-2 category, they’re not being displayed at all, while still the ones in level-2 categories with just one listing are being displayed.


  • listings in sub-cat level 2 “example a”: item1
  • listings in sub-cat level 2 “example b”: item2, item3, item4
  • listings in sub-cat level 2 “example c”: item5
    → the sub-cat level 1 displays: item1, item5

while when

  • listings in sub-cat level 2 “example a”: item1
  • listings in sub-cat level 2 “example b”: item2
  • listings in sub-cat level 2 “example c”: item3
    → the sub-cat level 1 displays: item 1, item2, item3

Any idea how to solve this weird issue and display all listings in a category including its sub-categories independently on how many listings are in these sub-categories?

Thanks and kind regard

I’ve just deleted the affected categories and then added them again - to my best knowledge, with the exact same settings as before. Now the issue is gone. No idea why, but problem solved …

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