"Locate Me" button doesnt work after clicking

Can’t get “Locate Me” button to word in search bar please help


Please provide us with more details of your issue, so we can help you. If possible send us some screenshots.

Pointy button next to search

The button seems to be available on the screenshot, or nothing happens when you click it? If you mean adding custom text to it this would require customizations, but changing the built-in text that appears on the button hover is possible with the Loco plugin.

When i ckick the button nothing happens … I’ve put in the api and everything


Please check if you have the automatic location function enabled in your browser because when you click on Locate Me, you should see a pop-up window, “Allow viewing your location”, and after confirming, you will have the Location field automatically filled in.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

still not working


Please send temporary WP access to support@hivepress.io with details for reproducing this issue, and we’ll check it (please send only the link, without login and password). You can create a temporary access link using this plugin: Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org.