Location search not working

i. When searching by location, no results are returned. I have tried with both google maps and Mapbox

Steps to reproduce

Searching by location e.g. Thailand or California, United States

Actual result

No results returned

Expected result

Show vendors that have the location being searched e.g. ‘Thailand’

Additional related queries

ii. Also, when searching by location, and you hit the enter key - it does not work.
When searching by keyword, and you press the enter key - it works but not for location. Please let me know how I can make this work.

iii. I would like the location settings to be ‘search by city/state, country only’ not specific any other specific loctions - how do I proceed with this?

Thanks all :raised_hands:

Update: when searching via keywords, and you hit enter, you get taken to the location search. It should be automatically searching when the enter button is clicked

Please try to enable Generate regions from locations in HivePress > Settings > Geolocation > Regions.
If you use Google Maps and you created 2 API keys while enabling regions (regular one and secret key) it should be ok.

If this issue persists, please try you use MapBox:

Hi Andrii,

I have tried google maps and mapbox

Please send more details that may help to detect or reproduce this issue (e.g., a link to your site, screenshots, a list of installed plugins, or the error message you get).
Also, are regions generated when adding or changing locations for placement in listings/regions?

Same situation, using mapbox. I search for a specific state others come up. I search for different States nothing shows

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https://wrestlingevents.net/ - Try if needed. I’ve setup the mapbox with the api. When I go into Region nothing is associated

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We checked this from our side, seems to be ok.
Please make sure that you have specified a license key, for example, a Mapbox, as shown on the screenshot Awesome Screenshot.

Check if you have enabled Generate regions from locations in HivePress > Settings > Geolocation as shown on the screenshot Awesome Screenshot.

Try to create a new listing and add a location or change a location in an existing listing, and check if regions are generated in Listings > Regions as shown on the screenshot Awesome Screenshot.

If the regions are generated, then the search will work.

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This part works for me now, the regions are generating! Thanks so much Andrii :blush:

I still have the following issues I’m trying to fix:

ii. Also, when searching by location, and you hit the enter key on your keyboard - it does not work.
When searching by keyword, and you press the enter key - it works but not for location. Please let me know how I can make this work.

iii. I would like the location settings to be ‘search by city/state, country only’ not specific any other specific locations - how do I proceed with this?

Much appreciated as always! :raised_hands:


  1. The requirements there are such that you need to select a location from the drop-down list, and if you just write text and select nothing, the hidden fields will not be filled with coordinates.

  2. Unfortunately, the radius-based search cannot be disabled now, search by region, is an additional function for the radius-based search. If you use Google maps, try to enable hide the exact address in HivePress > Settings > Geolocation, maybe this will help you.

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