Loco Translate does not work

Hi, I’d like to translate my HivPress site from English to Italian. I clicked on Loco Translate>Themes>ExpertHive>“List a Service” and I translated it into Italian. I clicked on Save, and the List a Service button kept being written in English.

You have to go the loco translate > plug-ins and change it there


Please do this step by step as shown in this screencast How to translate ExpertHive - HivePress Help Center.
Also, If you use a caching plugin, ensure that caching is disabled for logged-in users.

I followed the screencast thoroughly, but nothing was translated. I don’t know how to check the caching part though. Any idea how to do it? I don’t believe that I have a caching plugin though…

The video does not explain that you have to go to Loco Translate then press “plugins” tab. Then you open hivepress (there are several depending on which extensions you have), set your language & choose first option for location. Then look for words you are trying to translate. Change it in the Italian translation. Then save and press sync. Thats it.

I did what you wrote. It still doesn’t work…Also, I don’t know why but some hivepress plugins have been automatically translated in loco translate as well…despite this, I can see no translation on my website.

I’d like to give a temporary login to someone who knows how to fix this…I really don’t know why translations have not been made and why loco translate automatically translated many hivepress plugins (although I can’t see any differences on my website). I even deleted loco translate and downloaded it again, but nothing changed.

Check your caching plugin, ensure that caching is disabled for logged-in users. Maybe you are using Lightspeed Cache Plugin?

If not try this PHP code snippet:

if ( ! defined( 'HP_CACHE' ) ) { 
    define( 'HP_CACHE', false );

It will remove cache from hivepress. See if that works. But make sure you disable this code afterward, only use it to see if it makes loco translate work.

The code snippet did not work either : (

Please send temporary WP access to support@hivepress.io with details for reproducing this issue and we’ll check it. You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

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Ok, I just sent an email with all the necessary details and the login link to my WP dashboard. Thank you for your support!


Unfortunately, we did not receive a message from you.
Please send temporary WP access to support@hivepress.io with details for reproducing this issue, and we’ll check it. You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

Hi, I sent the same email again to support@hivepress.io, hope that you will see it now.


We have checked this issue; you just needed to change the site language in the settings to Italian. Please check; everything seems to be working now.

thank you very much for your support. is there a way to automatically translate things in loco translate instead of having to translate each term one by one?


Please try to use Suggest translation feature, as shown in the screenshot Awesome Screenshot.
For more information, please refer to the Loco Translate doc.

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