Loco Translate issue - Book Now & List a Property using same source text

Hi there,

I found out that there is the same source text “Add Details” used for Book Now and List a Property which create troubles when the text is changed.

When booking a property there is this page to confirm the dates and price, but the title is “Add Details” which does not make sense as there is not much to add except the optional Notes. So, I used Loco Translate to change the title to more appropriate one “Review Your Booking” before proceeding to payment.

But, because the List a Property uses the same source text it changes the title there as well which makes it look very odd.

Screenshot 2023-06-21 101910

In that case “Add Details” is OK and there is no need to change it.

Is there a way to change the text on “Book Now” page without affecting the “List a Property” page?

Thank you.


This is a specific feature of Loco Translate. Please check this topic Title on add listing and booking confirmation page - #3 by yevhen

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Fantastic! Works well. Thank you Andrii.
I don’t know how I missed that topic :thinking:


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