Map in listing view shows random listing item instead of vendor name / address


Why does the map in the listing view show the listing items instead of the vendors name / address? Am i missing something or is the a bug? (Pepperkoek sinaasappel should say: kadocafe > peperkoek sinaasappel is a listing item that belongs to the vendor called: kadocafe)

All the best,



Please note that the markers on the map will only show the items you are searching for. Also, since this is a listing search page, only listings will be displayed here. If you need to search for vendors, we recommend enabling vendor location in HivePress > Settings > Geolocation > Content Types > add Vendors, then go to the vendor page, and vendor markers will be displayed on the map.

I hope this information proves useful to you.

Hi Andrii,

Thank you. I understand. But i was not searching for this item. I was just in the listing view, searching nothing and having no filter options selected. This map is the default view in the listing view.


This is how it works by default. Even if you are viewing a listing page, the map will show markers for the listings you see on the right side of your screenshot. If it was a vendor page, then vendors would be displayed there in the same way.

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