Marketplace 1.3.0

Thanks Ihor, i’ll be sending the email today with an access. This is the only thing we need to complete our marketplace. The rest is working just fine.

Jumping in on this - the test setup went smoothly, but I see that users are automatically set up with an Express account, which looks to have charges as below (vs. Standard which is free?). Is this correct? We will need to pay these fees, including the $2/active user/month?

What is the definition of active users? If they have received a payment that month?

Yes, in the current version HivePress creates Express accounts for users, this is recommended for seamless integration since users don’t have to visit Stripe on their own and register a standard Stripe account Explore Connect | Stripe Documentation (it also may require more details and Stripe may have more country restrictions for such accounts, since they can be used for other purposes than payouts from your marketplace). We’ll check if it’s possible to add support for Standard accounts in some way.

I can’t say for sure about the active users definition, I recommend contacting Stripe support, but I hope that they consider active users as those receiving regular payouts.

We are getting several identical payouts over and over again even though they are complete

How can we stop this?

Hello Ihor, can i send you today the temporary access to my WP? to debug the problem with the schedule actions.

Sure, please send it to providing as many details as possible to reproduce the issue.

Please let me know if removing action from Tools/Scheduled Actions/Pending worked, or the recurring email is sent anyway? There’s a code that checks if the payout fails, if so then it schedules an action to try within 24 hours (an email notification is sent on each payout fail).

Hello Ihor! I just sent you to temporary access to my wp.

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