Marketplace 1.3.5

  • Added option to make price extras required
    It’s now possible to allow sellers to make extras required.
  • Added emails for failed and requested refunds
    Admin is notified if a refund made via front-end is failed or doesn’t support automatic payments.
  • Added issue-specific errors instead of "Something went wrong"
    This was required to improve testing and debugging.
  • Fixed commission rate visibility in the order table
    Previously it was visible even if a 0% commission rate was set.
  • Fixed commission rate visibility in emails
    There was a bug with the commission rate visible in customer emails.

There’s also a bug with the customer-side order page caused by a recent WooCommerce update, but it appeared that a core HivePress update is required for fixing it, will try to deliver it within 24 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.


How can i go back to previous versions???
Some functions don’t work.
such as, there is no button to view ordered listing in the order section .
(i think it was there Previously )
Please help

Thank you ihor! You guys are really appreciated for everything you do, and I like how you keep improving Hivepress overall!

Yes, this guy has very good support!

Thanks for the kind words, this is really encouraging for our team.

There were no recent changes regarding these links, I don’t recommend keeping the old version because there may be security and compatibility fixes. If there’s an issue please describe it here, if there’s a bug we’ll fix it Bug Reports - HivePress Community

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