Message to all users

Hi there!

It would be very useful to have some kind of Message function to send a message to all users as an admin.

Something like “Hey! Have you seen the new feature on our website yet?” I want to send news with the HivePress Messages plugin. I imagine a text field in the backend where you can choose between Send message to “all users” “vendors only” “users only” or something like this. In the text field I would fill in my message, hit “Send message” and the specified user group would receive a message from the admin of the page.

This would be really helpful!

Thanks, we’ll consider adding this feature to Message, or via an extra tool for adding notices to user accounts. You can also try using a newsletter for this purpose How to integrate HivePress with Mailchimp - HivePress Help Center

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Hello, Ihor! Any news? Looks like it hasn’t been implemented in the latest updates…


Approved feature requests get “approved” tag when added to the roadmap, unfortunately this one is not on the roadmap yet but we’ll consider implementing it.

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